Tuesday 2 April 2013

How to Fix Memory Problem in PC

Working on a system, which is not faulty is very motivating for a common user to work for long time. However, it is not possible every time. Sometimes errors occur while user want to copy a file, install any program or perform any action in the system. Runtime errors 7 and 1001 with “out of memory” statement are common. These errors appear when the PC does not meet the programs system requirements.

Another reason might be too much memory is already being used for program to function. When there is problem in Windows registry, it also indicates such errors. For this, you need to fix registry errors with help of a registry optimizer. A good program will clean registry from errors and unused files.

When a system indicates out of memory errors, the system is referring to the conventional memory. However, it may also refer to other sections of memory or the total amount of memory. Moreover, these errors halt software (program) or processes from running.

Causes for the Error:
Memory errors can by caused by conflicts between two or more applications and their memory problems.
Following are the possible causes for the memory error:
1.       PC needs to be Rebooted
2.       In system not enough memory installed
3.       Memory Management Software not installed
4.       Not enough Disk Storage
5.       Software issues
6.       Bad memory

Solution to Fix the Problem:
Follow the steps to fix the problems in PC:

1)      Reboot the Computer:
Many PC issues are resolved in rebooting. Therefore, reboot the system before taking any other step. It may help to terminate the memory errors.
2)      Not Enough Memory Installed:
Before running any program, make it sure that your system fulfills the requirement. You can find the requirement of program on the product box.
3)      Not Enough Disk Storage:
At times, system is left with very low memory after installing the program. Therefore, always try to save a good size space on system to run the program. However, some programs need space after installation when we want to launch it.
4)      Bad Memory:
After following the above steps, if you system still gives errors. Then, you need to check the system memory. If it is faulty or corrupted, then it will not allow certain programs to run. However, it may also crash the entire PC. Add a new memory to system, which can process programs to run.

At time, virus and spywares also affect the memory. Therefore, run a complete scan. A good security program will detect viruses and spywares and clean the PC from viruses and spywares. In addition, prevent in future.


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